About Us
Dance Studio in Dianella, WA

Established in 1973 as the Sharon Biddle School of Dance, SB Dance offers a variety of dance classes to children of all ages, from toddlers through to senior level. Classes run during the school term.
Principal teacher Sharon Biddle (R.A.D, C.S.T.D & A.T.O.D registered) has over 50 years of experience of dance instruction.
Students can attend one or more than one class per week for fun and fitness, or become more involved and learn many different dance styles. Class prices are competitive, with a discount offered for students taking more than one class and families attending several sessions. Casual classes are also available for new students to try out before committing to the whole term. The dance studios are air-conditioned and fully equipped. Parents and friends are invited to see the students’ progress at watching days held at the end of each term.
The annual concert is the highlight of the year. This is held in the middle of December at the Riverside Theatre, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Sharon Biddle
Our CertificationS
Students are able to participate in examinations offered by three dance societies – R.A.D., C.S.T.D. and A.T.O.D.
Discover Our Dance Studio
It is recommended that students take the three core subjects of jazz, tap and ballet and then supplement these with acrobatics, hip hop and contemporary.